Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Curse - More Practice (Chapter 1)

Practice 1:

Put T for the statements which are true and F for the statements which are false.

1. Azreen was looking forward to return to her hometown. ______

2. Julian agreed to accompany Azreen on the flight back home. ______

3. Azreen volunteers at the front desk during her spare time. ______

4. Azreen was eager to speak to Julian before leaving London. ______

5. Azreen had to postpone taking her exams. ______

6. Azreen had to leave London suddenly because there was a death in her family. _______

7. Julian was popular among students in college _______

8. Both Julian and Azreen was from Malaysia. _______

Practice 2

Complete the sentences below by matching them with the following phrases.

• the matron’s office

• the door did not jam as usual and made her way to the nearest station.

• why she was leaving.

• I’ll help you with your bag.”

• In his place was a tall amicable-looking young man.

• I won’t be able to help out at the desk tonight?”

• she could never get used to the changing daylight saving time

1. Azreen Saleh stepped out blindly from ____________________________________________

2. “Can you please tell Mr. Goldman that ____________________________________________

3. She did not want to have to explain _______________________________________________

4. She heaved a sigh of relief that ___________________________________________________

5. No matter how much time she spent in London ______________________________________

6. “You’re taking a tube to Heathrow ________________________________________________

7. The fatherly Filipino had apparently gone down to the cafeteria for breakfast and

Practice 3:

Read the statements below. Then identify the characters who made the statements.

1. “Have a nice trip then, Love”


2. “Oh, no, not Julian”


3. “I didn’t expect you’d finish your exams so soon”


4. “You’re taking the tube to Heathrow? I’ll help you with your bag....”


5. “You’d better return to you desk. Old Goldman might realise you’re missing.”


6. “I have to go home earlier. I’ve spoken to the principal”


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