Sunday, August 8, 2010

Analysis of past years questions and ..... prediction and tips- Guided Writing PMR

  • 2000  Informal letter & picture series
  • 2001  Giving opinion & newspaper article
  • 2002  Newspaper article & report for magazine
  • 2003  Giving opinion & description of robbery
  • 2004  Speech & Article
  • 2005  Report on National Day Celebration (picture series & note expansion)
  • 2006  Informal letter - Letter to uncle (note expansion)
  • 2007  Story (picture series & note expansion)  
  • 2008  Speech – ‘Safety Measures in School’ (picture series & note expansion)
  • 2009  Article - experience at an old folks' home (picture series & note expansion)
  • 2010 What will come out this year???? It could be a report, a letter (formal or informal) or a story. And maybe opinion based essay that has not been tested since 2001.
Tips in writing essays
  1. Understand the rubrics / task given
      e. g.        a. Study the pictures carefully. Imagine you are one of the people in the    
                         picture.  Describe what happened. Basically understand the situation stated 
                         in the question.
                           b. Look at the task at hand. Write a speech / Write an article. Do look at the
                               structures wanted... for example: persuade your uncle.
                           c.  Determine the tenses/ time for the task. If it is an article or recount - Past
                                tense/ time

  1. Use the rubrics in their given form.
       e. g.        Shopping – many people – curious- crowd – watching – snake charmer
                      – saw – pick pocket – wallet -

  1. Use all the notes given in the question. 
  2. Always write in paragraphs to organize your ideas. (Main point, elaboration, examples)
  3. Use linkers to correlate one paragraph to the other.
      To show difference - On the other hand,  In contrast,  On the contrary, However,
      To add to point -  In addition,  Besides, As a result, Similarly, 

  1. Use the correct format
      a. formal / informal letter – know where the address and signature should be. 
          Remember: "yours faithfully" is use only for formal letter.
      b. Talk / speech – must have title, greetings to the audience, end with thank you.
      c.  Report – must have title and the name of the person who wrote the report at 
           the bottom.
      d.  Article – must have title and appear formal
      e.  Giving opinion – must make sure to state your opinion at the beginning of the

Newly Added:

Analysis on Theme for Guided Writing:

  • *2005  People
  • *2006  Environment
  • *2007  Social Issues
  • *2008  People & Social Issues
  • *2009  People & Social Issues
  • *2010  ???? Health/ Environment. 
Environment could be environment at the canteen, library, during sports day or pollution and etc.

Thanks for the comment given... yeap as I have said it.. it could be a report, a letter or a story. What came out was a story as predicted by SBP Trial exam.... Hope that all of you out there could answered it well... and the theme was People & Social Issues.

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