Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Pearl - Question & Answer

Discuss the significance of the title “The Pearl".

The plot of “The Pearl” is indeed centered around happenings set off by the finding of a pearl.
When Kino finds the “Pearl of the World” he believes the great pearl is his baby’s ticket to health, an education, and a better life. Juana looks forward to being able to be married in the church now that they can give their contribution. However, superstitions of the village begin to make Juana fear that the pearl is evil and will bring them grief. However, this is only the beginning of even greater problems.

Wanting to get the pearl, the doctor comes to treat the baby, giving him “medication” that makes him very ill. In addition, Kino stabs a man who attempts to enter his cabin to steal the pearl. When Kino tries to sell the pearl, the dealers try to cheat him. Then, he has to kill a man, also attempting to steal the pearl.

In trouble with the law, Kino takes Juana and Coyotito and flee but trackers come for them. Kino is able to kill the trackers who are trying to get the pearl but Coyotito is killed

“The Pearl” takes on different appearances throughout the story as it begins to stand for different things. In the beginning, the pearl’s secret melody is described, like the pearl itself, as “clear and beautiful, rich and warm and lovely, glowing and gloating and triumphant.” To Kino, though, “the lovely gray surface of the pearl came the little things he wanted: a harpoon.. .a rifle.” To Juana, However, the pearl quickly becomes evil. She tells Kino, “It will destroy us all. ..Even our son.”

At the end of the novel, Kino sees her point of view and throws the pearl into the sea.

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