Monday, June 7, 2010

Manufacture Your Future

Each one of us is constantly manufacturing our individual future and the future of the society we live in. Every action, every thought of each one among us is a thread that connects us to the future.

As I write this and as you read it, we are undergoing a transformation of which we may not be aware but which is, all the same, consequential. Also, we are organizing into a cooperative effort that is creative, constructive and multiplicative in its positive output. It binds us together into a positive force of constructive and creative thought and generates an energy that destroys evil and darkness --- both within and without us.

If you train your mind to constantly perceive how each of your acts and thoughts is manufacturing the future, you will get a sense of direction. You will then develop the intuitive power to judge the right and the wrong. You will not need to logically decide what you should do and what avoid.

When you plan to do something, your mind will show you a blob appearing somewhere in the expanse of time before you --- a white blob or black and you will feel the thrill of creating something positive and yearn to do it or dither at the negative consequences of your act and avoid it.

Tune your mind to perceive the future you are manufacturing and you shall never falter.

Live in the present, says virtually every philosopher. Fair enough, but what is the present but the fleeting moment that is a part of the past even before you can look straight into its face.

When you live in the present, you are virtually trying to steady yourself on a thin strip of the Past-Present-Future continuum where you unsteadily strive to cling to a split second that belonged to the future a moment ago and now belongs to the past.

Don't live in the present. Move towards the future, constantly manufacturing it to your liking and taste as you fly to meet it.

-- S. K. Dogra --- India

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